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La Cave du Sénat in Paris

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At the heart of historic Paris, in the 6th arrondissement, La Cave du Sénat proposes more than 500 references in champagnes, Bordeaux, Burgundy wines, Languedoc, Rhône, Loire, Jura, Savoie, Alsace, and Sud-Ouest. We are pleased to propose Pinot Noir of Domaine Tissot in Jura, Albert Mann’s Alsace, Rhône from Domaine de la Janasse, JM Alquier’s Languedoc, Provence of Domaine Roubine, Tempier’s Bandol, Sancerre of Domaine Vacheron, Burgundy wines from Domaine Anne Gros, Pomerol from Château Bourgneuf and Elian Da Ros’ Côtes du Marmandais. Besides, we do not forget Michel Couvreur’s whiskys, Darroze’s Bas-Armagnac and Egly Ouriet’s champagnes.

La Cave du Sénat is a wine shop managed by a passionate team. Antoine and Olivier are at your service to make you discover their favorite wines and wine-makers, with the objective of helping you to find your perfect food and wine pairing.

The expression “my cellar master” takes on its full meaning at La Cave du Sénat.

The wine is above all a pleasure and we work every day to keep it so.

Tailor-made advices and service

Antoine and Olivier have tasted several times all the referenced wines, and will share with you their passion, and answer all your questions.

You can contact them by phone: 01 73 74 10 40, by email at lacavedusenat@duvaletblanchet.com, or by mail at : La Cave du Sénat – 16 rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris.

An independent wine master

Our only selection criterion is the quality. We are not a wine masters’ chain, and our independence guarantees our commitment.

Coming to La Cave du Sénat

We are located at the intersection between rue Vaugirard and Medicis, in front of the Jardin du Luxembourg gates, and nearby the Odeon Theater and the Sénat, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

Odeon Station and RER Luxembourg

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday

11am to 8pm

+33 1 73 74 10 40

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